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Our Mission

TwoDollarMovies.com is an independent film distribution platform, designed to give filmmakers and directors an opportunity to showcase, promote, and raise funds for films all in one place. We are the one stop shop for independent filmmakers giving them the opportunity to earn money selling their films!

Due to the way the film industry works, artists have a difficult time earning money showcasing their talent to the world. If you’re not backed by big money or have contacts in these industries, you have to jump through hoops in order to have a shot at succeeding at what you love to do! What we mean is, haven’t you watched a short film on the internet and said “Wow, that was as good as any blockbuster film I’ve ever seen!” TwoDollarMovies.com showcases very talented artists you may not have found otherwise. TwoDollarMovies.com allows you to browse the site and view trailers before you decide to purchase the films.

Due to today’s technology, more and more Indie filmmakers have the resources to create high quality films with the ability to tell stories that get your heartbeat racing, pull at your heart strings, make you laugh out loud, or scare the hell out of you!

Please don’t misunderstand us, we highly encourage the big studios, casting directors, and producers to register and browse the site. We believe they just might find the next big filmmaker, actor, or producer right here on TwoDollarMovies.com.

Important Note

When purchasing films, you can view these links forever. Directors’ individual profile pages on TwoDollarMovies.com have links that allow for additional donations to support artists’ future creative projects.

Together we can change the world for the better.

The TwoDollarMovies.com team and all its artists thank you for visiting TwoDollarMovies.com.

Two Dollar Movies: The Best Way to Spend $2!

New on Two Dollar Movies

The Cheque
Jaime Miller
The Legend of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Massacre
Carlito Saladrigas
Oh Lily, What A Silly Way To Die